Friday, February 18, 2011

SAT Week 25

1. When Johnny hurled a cupcake across the cafeteria, no one could have ever imagined the severity of the food fight that would _ensue_.

2. Joanie always felt the presence of _serendipity_ in her life; she found a one hundred dollar bill as a child, she found a 2,000 dollar Coheri Indian Warhead as a teen, and she first met her future millionaire husband in Burger King.

3. After losing four straight times to the school's number one tennis player, Jake's _morale_ finally plummeted, so he decided not to play him anymore and risk embarrassment.

4. After living in Las Vegas, Nevada for three years, Jenni's _morals_ changed as she no longer found fault in many things she used to when living at home, such as gambling and regular consumption of alcohol.

5. If Tahler and Dan were to incite their classmates to storm The White House and burn it down, this would be a form of _sedition_.

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